I felt inspired to join Saaya when it was a budding organization that had already started doing some commendable work in Civil Hospital. After becoming a part of the team, I realized the immense potential this organization had. I felt motivated to make it well known and to help make people realize the trustworthiness, sincerity, and reliability of Saaya, as I had myself.
One year down the road, now that Saaya has established a reputation for itself, we plan to take our goal a step forward and now work directly with the patients. We are helping the unaffording at Civil Hospitals by providing them with Emergency medicines, diagnostic tests, and logistic facilities.
This year, my team and I will try our best to make sure that through Saaya, as many patients as possible are relieved of extremely burdensome medical expenses, that were, unfortunately, often making the poor give up on their treatments.
We still have a very long way to go but with the dedication and zeal displayed by this team, I think Saaya can reach new heights of success. And to get there, I hope to give my best to this organization and to its members; as a future doctor and as a leader.
I am sure that we will be having a tenure of many milestones.